*Note: This is a report from our church in Rancho Cucamonga, not the Pasadena location.
One couple in ViaCordis, Keith and Hope, are part of the Rancho Cucamonga gathering. A few weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon they distributed backbacks to homeless people in their area. They had been collecting items to put in the backpacks, but then had the idea to take this ministry one big step further. They decided to ask their neighbors for contributions for the bags as well. Many neighbors were very excited to help.
Here are some of the stories from Keith of the homeless people that God put in his path:
Wayne (aka Leprechaun) is trying to get back to
We found Doug wandering through a truck stop. He lost his job, then his apartment. After we gave him his backpack, he led us to two other homeless men, Peter and Paul. Peter was kicked out of his father’s house. We didn’t ask why. He immediately opened his backpack and began eating the food inside. Paul told us he is on the street because of alcohol. Both were overjoyed at receiving backpacks. Just outside a Jack in the Box, Scott, Doug, Peter, Paul, and I held hands in a circle of prayer to ask God to meet their needs and keep them safe.
Then Doug led us to another homeless man, Ky. Ky was sleeping on cardboard boxes near a fence. His greatest treasure in the backpack? The socks! Doug, Scott and I prayed with Ky and then Ky told us where we might find “Ma,” a homeless lady. We looked, but didn’t find her. We will continue looking for “Ma” and other homeless people to give away more backpacks soon. We just received two more back packs already packed—by one of our neighbors! What a great place to be a part of.
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