Our hope in this blog is to share the story of the early development of ViaCordis, our missional house church network based in the greater Los Angeles area. We know there are others with similar visions all over the US and beyond and we welcome the chance to dialogue with you and learn from one another.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Jumping in with both feet

Recently Bob and a team member were going to take a look at a particular neighborhood and spend some time in prayer. They were considering a possible church planting project where God might be ready to do something. Bob asked this team member about his level of commitment to church planting. The man was initially taken aback by the question. Bob said, “The level of commitment is important. You have to be absolutely, totally convinced that God has called you to do this, because there will be times you will be discouraged and knocked down. At those times, it’s only being absolutely convinced that God has called you that will allow you to get back up.”

That turned out to be a prophetic word, as this team member met a challenge shortly after that conversation, and that challenge ultimately helped him consider and then strengthen his resolve and commitment to church planting. A timely reminder that if we’re involved in this kind of kingdom work, we will face opposition. Therefore, we need to reflect on God’s call and clarify our commitment.

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