As we've been praying for ministry opportunities to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus, we’re encouraged by how the Lord has been opening doors. Ines, a former nurse who is part of our VC group, she has taken on a part-time job at the local hospital where she does night watch for patients in the ICU. Usually all she has to do is sit and observe the patients. She uses those times to pray for them and their families. When they are awake and can talk, she encourages them and shares Jesus' love with them.
Some months ago, Ines came in contact with one of her neighbors in Burglengenfeld where she lives, a lady in her 30s who is confined to a wheel chair. The neighbor's difficult circumstances have made her very cynical. None of the social workers sent to assist her (within the German system) were able to gain her confidence, and she sent them away, refusing help. For some reason, however, Ines was able to connect and gain her trust and slowly build a relationship.
Ines visits her disabled neighbor regularly, spending time with her, mostly listening. Recently, the neighbor was offered some time for therapy at a state-run medical health spa. The government pays her way and also pays for another person to accompany her for several days. Again, the neighbor lady refused the social workers and, instead, insisted that Ines go along! Ines has experienced Christ's healing herself as Christians ministered to her during a very difficult phase of her life. Now she is anxious-and well prepared-to share the transforming power of Christ with her neighbor as they work through her difficult issues, this time with a Christian perspective.
Another woman, Ute, has been praying for an opportunity to share God's love in a practical way with someone in need. As she was praying for guidance, she noticed a report in the local news paper about a program for assisting families in need (mainly recent immigrants). She applied to volunteer - and was accepted last week. She will now receive training for the job. After screening and training (which will take several weeks, as Germans are very thorough!) Ute will be assigned a family to work with.
We have prayed, and God has been faithfully opening doors for us to serve. We're excited about the prospects he is bringing our way.