This would seem to be a church planter’s dream—except that Randy felt called to plant a church in Modesto, a community well north of the Inland Empire. Randy felt the tension of his dilemma. How could he follow what God wanted him to do while leaving behind spiritually hungry people?
When he and Bob reconnected recently, they hit upon a solution. He would become a bridge person, introducing these people he’d built relationships with to Bob. Bob and another member of ViaCordis who lives nearby would facilitate house church gatherings for a while as the group figures out what this could look like.
Please pray for this new house church starting up. Pray for the people hungry for following Jesus, and pray that we would find and raise up the leaders among them. Our desire is to develop these people into all God wants them to be, to resource them and get them started on the right track. This is what we’re all about at ViaCordis—raising people up from the harvest as we develop them into leaders who can continue reaching the harvest.